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Good Friday

Join us at 6:00 pm on April 18th for our Good Friday Service. This will be a condensed service where we read scripture, sing songs, and listen to a short sermon all about the death of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

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Easter Sunday

We are really excited for Easter Sunday! The service will be April 20th at 9:00 AM.

We will celebrate the Resurrection by singing songs, listening to a sermon on how Christ makes us new, and worshipping together.  

We want to be able to share this time with our friends, family, and neighbors. So go ahead and mark your calendars and invite someone you know to this special service. 

We can't wait! 



The Storytellers Kids Ministry (birth-5th grade) is filled with gospel-centered lessons and engaging fun activities that help kids relate to the Bible Story and how to apply it to their lives. This Easter, Storytellers look forward to celebrating Jesus's Resurrection!

Please join us on Easter Sunday as we tell the "He Is Risen" Easter Story in a creative way, dive into interactive activities to apply the Bible Story, and end with a fun snack and craft. 


This Easter season we are intentionally focusing on prayer as a church. We would love to take this time to pray for you.


Let us know how we can pray for you by submitting the form below. 


How can we pray for you?


Prayer Room

Every Wednesday at 12 PM, during the Easter season, we are meeting at the church to pray. We would love for you to join us as we pray. 

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